Visit the Okanagan Basin Water Board for information on flooding in the Okanagan

Flood Preparation FAQ

  • Property owners are responsible for protecting their property.
  • Sand and sandbag locations inside/outside Town limits are posted on the RDOS EOC website.
  • If you require assistance with sandbagging, please connect with your friends, family or volunteer organizations.
  • The Town does not deliver sand or sandbags to private residences or businesses.
  • Filled sandbags are not available from the Town.
  • Get Prepared for a Flood in British Columbia
  • Preparing your pets for a flooding situation


Sand Bag Information

Sand Bags will available in the coming days at the Paid Boat Trailer Parking Lot located at 6901 Main Street.

  • Monday to Friday - 7:30am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday and Sunday - 7:30am - 5:00pm


Important Emergency Terms

Being familiar with these terms will help remove the stress of coping with an emergency.

Evacuation Alert – Be Ready and Standby

  • Upon notification of an ALERT, you should locate all family members or co-workers and designate a meeting site outside the evacuation area, in case an Evacuation Order is issued. Gather essential items such as medications, eyeglasses, valuable papers, cell phone charger, immediate care needs for dependents, and keepsakes. Have these items ready for quick departure. Prepare to move any disabled persons and/or children. Arrange to transport your household members or co-workers in the event an Evacuation Order is issued. Prepare to move pets and livestock to a safe area. Monitor news sources and the RDOS website and social media for information.

Evacuation Order – Get Out

  • Upon notification of an ORDER, you must leave the area immediately. Close and lock all windows and doors. Shut off electrical appliances, other than refrigerators and freezers. Do not lock gates. Gather your family and take a neighbour or someone who needs help. Take critical items if they are immediately available. Take pets in pet kennels or on leash. Do not use more vehicles than necessary, to help reduce congestion. Do not use the telephone unless you need help.

Evacuation Rescind (Safe to Return)

  • It is safe for evacuees to return home. Residents may remain on Evacuation Alert and should be prepared to leave on short notice, if the incident changes.

Grab-and-Go Bag

Don't count on being home when there's an emergency. In addition to an emergency kit at home, create grab-and-go bags for your work and vehicles. You should include important documents, first aid kit and medications.