Thank you for considering the Town of Osoyoos to hold your Event!

Please read the following to ensure you are following the correct procedure. If your event is under 25 people or is being held in a location that is not Town of Osoyoos property, you will not need to fill out a Special Event Application or Park Use Permit Application. Private events will only be permitted in prime park space for a maximum of four (4) hours and may be subject to council's approval. Multi-day private events will not be allowed to occupy prime park space for more than 4 hours per day, if approved. Applications may be subject to a non-refundable application fee, a $500.00 damage deposit as well as any additional fees indicated on the Fee Schedule. 

Park Use Permits

As per Bylaw no 1278, if your event is being held on Town of Osoyoos property and the estimated attendance is between 25 and 50 people you must fill out the Parks Use Permit Application You are encouraged to complete a park use permit even if your attendance is below 25.  

Special Event Applications

Special event applications are required for all events being held on Town of Osoyoos property and have an estimated attendance of more than 50 people. The application form must be completed a minimum of 2 weeks before your event. You may complete the application online or fill out a hard copy and submit it to the Community Services Department. Hard copies can be picked up at the Sonora Community Centre. All Special Event Applicants must also submit: 

  • Copy of a Certificate of Insurance (comprehensive general liability insurance with inclusive limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 (per occurrence) with the Town of Osoyoos added as an additional insured. Indemnification in the form of insurance must be provided. You may be required to increase your liability insurance to $5,000,000, depending on the nature of your event.
  • Any other required Certificates, Documents and/or Permits as noted in the application. These may include a liquor license and/or a temporary food service permit.
  • Damage deposit, application fee and rental fees if applicable

It is to the applicant’s advantage to complete the application as soon as possible to leave enough time for the approval process to take place prior to the event. 


Once the application is approved and the application and deposit fees paid, you will be issued a letter of approval. The deposit fee will be returned in full providing the green space and municipal equipment used is returned in good condition and no staff time is required for additional clean up. 

Park Use and Special Event Fees

Additional fees associated with the application must be paid one week prior to the event.

Please make sure to post your approval onsite during your event.  If a park or facility is closed to the public you will be required to post signs to inform the public, these signs will be provided by Town staff and must be returned.


Weddings taking place through Watermark Beach Resort and requiring park space in front of the resort may fill out a Parks Use Permit.


If you have questions regarding the application process please contact:

Community Services Department

Sonora Community Centre

Box 3010, 8505 68 Avenue

Osoyoos BC  V0H 1V0

(T)     250.495.6562

(TF)   888.495.6515

(F)     250.495.5136
