Pay By Credit Card

After taking into consideration numerous requests to accept credit card payments we have collaborated with a third party payment processor called Option Pay. They are an Alberta based company that processes credit card payments for a convenience fee. 

Option Pay Website

Convenience Fees

Please be aware that transactions can be refunded. However, if you require a transaction to be refunded after the day of payment, then your refund will only consist of the amount paid LESS the convenience fee. If you request a refund on the same day that the payment was made then the full amount will be refunded to your credit card.


Processing Time

As with all online payment methods, it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure their payment is received on time by the Town of Osoyoos. When using Option Pay, please allow 48 hours processing time excluding holidays and weekends. Please keep this in mind to avoid fees and interest on late payments.

Option Pay allows credit card payments for:

  • Property Taxes
  • Utility Bills
  • Tickets / Fines
  • Permits / Licenses
  • Accounts Receivable 


VISA | MasterCard | Only Accepted

  1. Visit the Option Pay Landing Page.
  2. Credit Card number (16 Digits)
  3. Expiry Date (mm/yyyy)
  4. CVV number (3 digit number located on the back of credit card.)
  5. Enter the amount ($$) you wish to pay and select the type of bill from the drop down menu.
  6. Enter in the account / invoice number you are wishing to pay.
  7. The system will calculate the convenience fee underneath the payment amount.
  8. The total amount to be charged to your card will be the amount and convenience fee.
  9. Enter in the email you wish to have a receipt sent to.
  10. Accept the authorization when you are satisfied with the information entered.
  11. Complete the transaction by clicking on submit payment.
  12. You will receive the receipt of payment right away to the provided email.