Regular Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, and commence at 2:00 pm.  If the Tuesday of a scheduled Council meeting is a holiday, the meeting is held on the following day.

Regular Council meetings and Committee of the Whole meetings are normally held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, at 8707 Main Street. 

Committee of the Whole meetings are held on the same days as the Regular Council meetings and commence at 9:00 am.


Please be advised that Open Council Meetings are recorded and posted on The use of signs, posters and personal audio-video recording devices are not allowed in Council Chambers. All meeting attendees are required to comply with Council established standards of conduct.

By entering Council Chambers you consent to being recorded, your image, and/or voice being posted on the website and complying with the Council Procedure Bylaw and other Town policies related to Council meetings. Outside audio-video recording of Open Council meetings is prohibited. Improper conduct contrary to the Town's Procedure Bylaw and policies will not be tolerated.

Approaching Council

At one time or another, you may wish to approach Town Council at a Committee of the Whole Meeting to present your opinion regarding an issue Council is discussing, or to introduce an issue that you feel Council should consider that are within the Town's jurisdiction. This section is designed to assist you in approaching Council as a delegation. 

Members of the public may request to present to Council by filling out a Request to Appear as a Delegation Form. Requests about matters that are within the Town's jurisdiction will be responded to as follows, per Council Procedure Bylaw. 

Request forms must be received by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday, three full business days prior to the Tuesday Council Meeting. This time restriction exists to permit enough time to prepare the upcoming Council Agenda.

Delegations are scheduled to appear at the Committee of the Whole Meeting that starts at 9:00 am.

Each delegation may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes to make their presentation, unless the Mayor, or Council by resolution, extends the time allotted. After the presentation is made, time will be given for Council members to ask questions of the delegation. For more information on how to approach Council, please consult the Council Procedure Bylaw.

Please submit your request to Questions contact the Town Office at 250.495.6515.